CMU-Pitt postdoc position in student modeling

Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh are looking for a post-doc to work on a U.S. Department of Education IES funded project aimed at adaptive dialogue within the context of an intelligent tutoring system.  The research will investigate how a student model can be used to guide and adapt the tutorial dialogue of a physics tutor.  The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. and will be interested and experienced in both research and development.  Background in student modeling is essential, with language technology experience and knowledge of physics desirable.  The work will involve identifying possible student modeling approaches from the literature, implementing (or reusing) the modeling approaches to guide an existing dialogue system of an intelligent tutor, designing experiments to evaluate the approaches, conducting experiments at high schools, and contributing to research publications.  The project is a collaboration of neighboring universities in Pittsburgh, PA, the University of Pittsburgh and CMU, which are well-known institutions in the Learning Sciences and, more specifically, in intelligent tutoring systems.  The successful candidate will have an opportunity to work with both state-of-the-art student modeling techniques and language technology.

The project PI is Sandra Katz of the University of Pittsburgh, Co-PIs are Pam Jordan and Patricia Albacete of the University of Pittsburgh and Bruce McLaren of Carnegie Mellon University.

Interested parties should contact Bruce McLaren (  If possible, Dr. McLaren would like to meet with interested parties at the upcoming AIED conference in Madrid, Spain.

Dernière mise à jour : 21 juillet, 2015 - 15:35